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new japanese, korean, european and american cat‘s eye zircon pearl grace titanium steel necklace versatile light luxury design minority fashion advanced


  • EXW Price:
    From: ¥ 1.8
    Min. order: 1 piece
  • 1 piece
  • Exchage Rate 1 CNY ≈ 0.1423 USD
  • Weight 0.02 kg/piece
  • Item No. XL001
  • Sales volume 630piece
  • style
  • Specifications
    Specifications Price(RMB) Stock Quantity
    xl01-opal four-leaf clover titanium steel necklace(xl01-猫眼石四叶草钛钢项链) ¥5.8 2287 piece available
    xl02-diamond spinning snowflake love pendant(xl02-镶钻旋转雪花爱心吊坠) ¥5.8 2325 piece available
    xl03-micro-inlaid emerald/ink blue square zircon pendant (please note the color)(xl03-微镶祖母绿/墨蓝色方形锆石吊坠(颜色请备注)) ¥5.8 2301 piece available
    xl04-zircon emerald/ink blue/pigeon blood red love pendant (please note the color)(xl04-锆石祖母绿/墨蓝色/鸽血红爱心吊坠(颜色请备注)) ¥5.8 2316 piece available
    xl05-double four-leaf clover titanium steel pendant necklace(xl05-双层四叶草钛钢吊坠项链) ¥7.8 2315 piece available
    xl06-rotatable sunflower clavicle chain(xl06-可旋转太阳花锁骨链) ¥7.8 2319 piece available
    xl07-micro-inlaid rotatable double c flower necklace(xl07-微镶可旋转双C花朵项链) ¥7.8 2323 piece available
    xl08-diamond studded hollow rotating four-leaf clover necklace(xl08-镶钻镂空旋转四叶草项链) ¥7.8 2321 piece available
    xl09-rotatable pearl clover necklace(xl09-可旋转珍珠四叶草项链) ¥7.8 2312 piece available
    xl10-super flash rotatable rabbit necklace(xl10-超闪可旋转兔子项链) ¥7.8 2323 piece available
    xl11-luxury rotating asterism titanium steel necklace good luck comes(xl11-豪华旋转星芒钛钢项链时来运转) ¥7.8 2321 piece available
    xl12-japanese and korean light luxury flower titanium steel necklace(xl12-日韩轻奢花朵钛钢项链) ¥7.8 2331 piece available
    xl13-h letters cold wind clavicle chain(xl13-H字母冷淡风锁骨链) ¥6.8 2339 piece available
    xl14-full rhinestone zircon rotating sunflower sunflower clavicle chain(xl14-满钻锆石旋转太阳花向日葵锁骨链) ¥7.8 2341 piece available
    xl15-japanese and korean light luxury golden petal necklace-purple(xl15-日韩轻奢金色花瓣项链-紫色) ¥7.8 2335 piece available
    xl15-japanese and korean light luxury gold petal necklace-gold(xl15-日韩轻奢金色花瓣项链-金色) ¥7.8 2331 piece available
    xl16-super flash zircon rotating round flower titanium steel necklace(xl16-超闪锆石旋转圆花钛钢项链) ¥7.8 2341 piece available
    xl17-rotatable sunflower necklace niche ins style(xl17-可旋转向日葵项链小众ins风) ¥7.8 2339 piece available
    xl18-internet celebrity sweet style loving heart zircon titanium steel necklace(xl18-网红甜美风爱心锆石钛钢项链) ¥5.8 2337 piece available
    xl19-european and american diamond dc pendant(xl19-欧美镶钻DC吊坠) ¥5.8 2330 piece available
    xl20-classic style micro inlaid zircon double c necklace(xl20-小香风微镶锆石双C项链) ¥5.8 2334 piece available
    xl21-european and american titanium steel micro inlaid zircon emerald necklace(xl21-欧美钛钢微镶锆石祖母绿宝石项链) ¥5.8 2323 piece available
    xl21-european and american titanium steel micro inlaid zircon ink blue gemstone necklace(xl21-欧美钛钢微镶锆石墨蓝色宝石项链) ¥5.8 2338 piece available
    xl21-european and american titanium steel micro inlaid zircon pigeons-blood ruby necklace(xl21-欧美钛钢微镶锆石鸽血红宝石项链) ¥5.8 2339 piece available
    xl22-18k gold bow titanium steel necklace(xl22-18k金蝴蝶结钛钢项链) ¥5.8 2338 piece available
    xl23-fishtail diamond-embedded light luxury design titanium steel necklace(xl23-鱼尾镶钻轻奢设计感钛钢项链) ¥5.8 2334 piece available
    xl24-european and american retro emerald round pendant(xl24-欧美复古祖母绿宝石圆吊坠) ¥5.8 2337 piece available
    xl24-european and american retro pigeons-blood ruby round pendant(xl24-欧美复古鸽血红宝石圆吊坠) ¥5.8 2340 piece available
    xl24-european and american retro white gem round pendant(xl24-欧美复古白色宝石圆吊坠) ¥5.8 2338 piece available
    xl25-golden butterfly micro zircon-inlaid pendant(xl25-金色蝴蝶微镶锆石吊坠) ¥5.8 2337 piece available
    xl26-design sense fresh mori girlfriends same clavicle chain-white(xl26-设计感清新森系闺蜜同款锁骨链-白色) ¥5.8 2333 piece available
    xl26-design sense fresh mori girlfriends same clavicle chain-green(xl26-设计感清新森系闺蜜同款锁骨链-绿色) ¥5.8 2339 piece available
    xl27-korean-style flexible rotating four-leaf clover titanium steel necklace(xl27-韩式灵动旋转四叶草钛钢项链) ¥7.8 2338 piece available
    xl28-cross-border european and american new copper micro inlaid zircon cute bear love gem pendant(xl28-跨境欧美新品铜微镶锆石可爱小熊爱心宝石吊坠) ¥8.8 2344 piece available
    xl29-french vintage ruby necklace fashionable heart-shaped multi-color zircon necklace(xl29-法式复古vintage红宝石项链时髦爱心多色锆石项链) ¥5.8 2339 piece available
    xl30-diamond white bottle necklace(xl30-镶钻白色瓶子项链) ¥5.8 2339 piece available
    xl31-national fashion vintage necklace women's chinese style titanium steel necklace(xl31-国潮复古项链女中国风钛钢项链) ¥6.8 2334 piece available
    xl32-balala energy hot-selling same style little magic fairy titanium steel pendant-red(xl32-巴啦啦能量爆款同款小魔仙钛钢吊坠-红色) ¥1.8 2336 piece available
    xl32-balala energy hot-selling same style little magic fairy titanium steel pendant-green(xl32-巴啦啦能量爆款同款小魔仙钛钢吊坠-绿色) ¥1.8 2336 piece available
    xl33-letter double c gold titanium steel necklace(xl33-字母双C金色钛钢项链) ¥5.8 2328 piece available
    xl34-rotating sunflower gold titanium steel necklace(xl34-旋转太阳花金色钛钢项链) ¥7.8 2339 piece available
    xl35-rotatable four-leaf flower classic style pendant(xl35-可旋转四叶花小香风吊坠) ¥7.8 2330 piece available
    xl36-european and american new rotatable flower key pendant(xl36-欧美新款可旋转花朵钥匙吊坠) ¥8.8 2324 piece available
    xl37-rotatable copper inlaid zircon heart-shaped four-leaf titanium steel necklace(xl37-可旋转铜镶锆石爱心四叶花钛钢项链) ¥7.8 2342 piece available
    xl38-rotatable four-petal flower key pendant(xl38-可旋转四瓣花钥匙吊坠) ¥7.8 2329 piece available
    xl39-rotatable diamond-encrusted titanium steel necklace purple(xl39-可旋转镶钻梅花钛钢项链紫色) ¥7.8 2336 piece available
    xl40-european and american mechanical bear micro inlaid zirconium rotatable small flower clavicle chain(xl40-欧美机械小熊微镶满锆可旋转小花锁骨链) ¥7.8 2340 piece available
    xl41-rotatable parthenocissus grass petals diamond-embedded light luxury titanium steel necklace(xl41-可旋转五叶草花瓣镶钻轻奢钛钢项链) ¥7.8 2344 piece available
    xl42-diamond-filled light luxury rotatable double-layer five petal flower titanium steel necklace(xl42-满镶钻轻奢可旋转双层五瓣花钛钢项链) ¥7.8 2345 piece available
    Summary 0 piece Subtotal:¥ 0 Selected ∧
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